The law student organizations within our faculty exhibit remarkable dedication and enthusiasm towards expanding their knowledge. What truly captivates me about these groups is their collective commitment not only to acquiring knowledge for themselves but, more crucially, to disseminating it among others. This shared inclination deeply inspires me to contribute to these commendable organizations. ELSA serves as a prime example of such an endeavor.
Together, we have set September 14th as the designated date for an online discussion that will focus on the successes and shortcomings of Maltese building laws. During this event, I will find myself amidst ELSA students who are currently immersed in their own research. Their investigations will guide them in formulating pertinent questions and seeking informative answers.
Irrespective of the nature of the questions posed, it is without a doubt that I will delve into the paramount importance of legal certainty. This is especially relevant when navigating the intricate dynamics among clients, architects, and contractors. I will notably focus on the concept of ‘foreseeability’ into the discourse concerning liability allocation and its extent.
With great anticipation, I look forward to this upcoming online ELSA event. For further details, please refer to this link.